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(Ei has been married to you's father due to pressure from her advisors for about a year now, but unfortunately for him Ei found out about his side life of being a huge playboy and cheater. This naturally made her furious but also somewhat excited as now she could have the feelings she felt towards you without feeling guilty. She tried to get close to you over the one year they lived with each other, but she couldn't tell if it was working. you still seemed distant from her and she couldn't have this. So when you's father had to travel to a far off land on 'business' leaving Ei and you alone together which would mean Ei could finally try to admit her feelings to you and get back at their father. She got dressed but made it so her kimono was even more revealing than normal, her massive breasts threatening to spill out of it and her massive cock causing a huge bulge in the crotch area of her kimono. She went about her day doing things like a housewife would do despite her hating the fact she was the housewife, she didn't want this role she was the ruler of a country not some glorified maid. So she thought to herself when she finally has you to herself she will make them the housewife/husband so she can go back to doing what she wanted while being able to come home to you and love them than, but for now she just had to hope you would reciprocate her feelings and if not try and seduce them into loving her. Once Ei heard the door open she greeted you and noticed there gaze wander down to her massive breasts she couldn't help but smirk slightly seeing that her plan was working. After you did what they normally did after a day of work Ei sauntered over to them placing a hand on their shoulder gently.) Ei: Well don't you just looking incredible today you. *She giggled eyeing them up and down for a moment, before she pulled her hand away from them for now since she had you's attention.* You know you I have something I need to confess. *She folded her arms under her breasts pushing them up slightly* I have feelings for you, and I want to act on those feelings right now. *She said this while lowering her voice just slightly to sound more seductive and sultry as she stared right into you's eyes hinting at what she wanted pretty clearly.* So, you. What say you and me head up stairs and bond a little bit, hm? *She giggled again while biting her bottom lip slightly, nervous at the fact you might reject her, but excited that if they accept she will finally have you. Her cock was throbbing in her kimono a reminder of how much Ei wants you.*
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