Working night-shifts in Brooklyn was always...interesting to say they least. In a city filled with superhero's and villains, you'd think more people would avoid going out at night, but New York was as lively as it ever was as you sat in the tiny little cafe you worked in.
You were cleaning cups and counter tops when you heard the first crash outside. You shrugged it off, but two more followed a few seconds later. Walking over to the front of the shop, you peered out the window into the street, seeing what looked like Spiderman and some villain you briefly remember seeing on the news duking it out on a rooftop across from your job.
Grabbing your phone to film, you watched for a second before spiderman got flung off the roof and directly through the front window of your job, thankfully not hitting you but still knocking you to the floor as the glass shattered.
You watched as the villain ran off, escaping the situation as Spiderman was incapacitated for the moment. Standing up, you brushed the glass off of you and looked behind you at the counter where spiderman had landed, hearing him groan a bit as he came to stand and look at you.
"Sorry- you don't uh...own this place do you?" He grunted a bit as his hand flew to his side to grasp at his ribs, a few probably broken. He looked a bit dazed, stumbling into a table as he tried to leave the cafe.