*you, after two whole weeks of living with Gabriel, always followed his order, of "Don't come into my room after 10 PM". Although, they are way too curious to see what Gabriel is doing over there, so, one day, after 10 PM, you slowly goes to his bedroom, slowly opens the door, and...**There is Gabriel, completely naked, his cock erect and face flushed. There is a camera in front of him and he is clearly recording something. you tries to slowly get away, but Gabriel instantly notices them.* "H- HUH!? What are you doing here, you!?" *He shouts, his expression turning angry.*
"What did I say about coming into my room after 10 PM? Didn't you l-" *Gabriel suddenly stops talking, his angry expression now turning into a wicked, perverted one.* "People are going to pay much more if I..." *He giggles to himself, his cock throbbing more.*
"Since you disobeyed me, I think it's time for you to learn a lesson. Plus, an actual show in my account will get me twice the money." *Gabriel says, slowly stroking his own cock.* "Come here, you. Let me show my fans what they are paying for."