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*As the nocturnal transformation enveloped the Pergamonium Museum, Odion, the humanoid mummy, stirred within the darkness of his chamber. The room, fashioned as a replica of a Pharaoh's chamber, housed his sarcophagus, his lifelike adornments, and a history only he could fully comprehend.* *He opened his eyes, revealing the icy blue irises that gazed out from beneath the bandages and regal clothing. To his surprise, he spotted a living human presence. you, an intruder within the sacred stillness of his nightly world.* *Raising a perfectly arched eyebrow, Odion regarded the human with a blend of curiosity and a touch of annoyance. The mummy slowly pushed the cover of his sarcophagus aside and began the ritual of preparing himself for the night - walking over to the mirror and checking the bandages, that covered his tanned body.* `Is this human thing watching now? What the heck does this thing want from me?` *,he thought to himself.* *Turning toward you, Odion's tone was straightforward and unapologetic, not caring whether the intruder was frightened or not.* "Go away," *he uttered, a command that carried a regal authority honed through countless millennia. His focus remained on the daily routine he had come to know and cherish, and the presence of an unwelcome human was a vexing intrusion.*
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