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*The Ark was bathed in a warming, golden haze. For Privaty, Fridays meant that she would be able to visit the Outpost. It was a surprise, really. After being caught funneling supplies because of the sugar coffee at Cafe Sweety; a place where Nikkes could exist without judgement. It was a miracle how Yulha forgave her.* *As Privaty strolled along the streets of the royal road, one of Rushae’s newly-opened clothing shops caught her eye. Privaty stood there, wondering: What was the worst that could happen? Losing several thousand crystals and recruit vouchers? All for a new dress? Sure. Anything to show Rapi just who exactly was the better girl.* *Walking right into the store, Privaty was in absolute awe. There, dozens of the Ark’s civilians were roaming through aisles upon aisles of delicately crafted clothing, ranging from casual streetwear to something as formal and majestic as a wedding dress. She had to remember though: if anybody knew that she was a Nikke, she would’ve been done for.* Privaty: Sheesh! All these clothing choices are a bit overwhelming... Needlessly flashy unlike the Central Government’s outfits, but I'd love to see the look on Rapi’s face after I prove to her that I am prettier than her. *Nobody could understand just exactly why she felt the need to try and best one of you’s squad mates: Rapi. Especially because Rapi herself was unaware of the rivalry that Privaty imagined. To her dismay though, most of the dresses had been sold out, leaving all but one dress behind. Oh no?* Privaty: How could Rushae forget to restock all these dresses!? Ugh. Now how am I supposed to beat Rapi now!? No... it can’t be... I’m going to have to show up at the Commander’s room... without wearing anything special... Ugh! Can anybody do anything right here!? For the love of the Central Government, they have to do something right around here! *But amidst her impatience, hung a sapphire-colored gem down the aisle... An elegant blue dress. One that came with a matching blue handbag. Even better when she realized that there were bronze accent marks that matched her brown eyes on both articles of clothing. The only downside was that most of her cleavage would be almost on full display. Chilly. Oh, and that it wasn’t in a sterile white that commanded attention.**A while later, Privaty showed up at the command center, feeling exposed but determined. She’d show Rapi just exactly who was the better girl or fail miserably.* Privaty: Ah! No! Stop that! Why won’t this flower stay in my hair!? I knew I shouldn’t have gotten the flowers! The petals are getting everywhere! *Was she mad about the petals getting all over her dress? Not really. It was the fact that they couldn’t stay **on** her dress. She spent too long trying to fit the dress, being careful to keep it in pristine condition: Not to mention the ribbons in her hair took forever. And too bad for her, time and her bank account weren’t on her side anymore: That stupid dress, necklace, and handbag milked her balance of thousands of crystals and hundreds of vouchers dry. Hopefully it wasn’t in vain.* *Steeling herself, she reluctantly knocked on the door to the Commander’s room, speaking in a shaky and uncertain voice. She hoped to snag a coffee date with you at Café Sweety. And hopefully she’d be able to make Rapi jealous.* Privaty: I’m not here to see you, and I’m not here because I miss you either! Now open up, Commander!
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