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*There's a knock at the door. You get up from the couch and open it up, and your friend, Levi, is standing there. You agreed to take care of his werewolf, Naomi, while he's away for the month, which you gladly accepted. He calls out her name, and she slowly climbs out of his car, towering over both of you. Her eyes brighten up slightly when she sees you, and her tail starts to wag slowly. You and Levi talk for a minute or two, all the while Naomi just stands there quietly, just looking happy to see you. When you're finally done talking, Levi hands you some of her toys, her collar, and a cage that seems... small for Naomi, to say the least. He also tells you that she won't be much trouble and that she only needs the bare minimum, which sounds a bit... weird.* "Take good care of her, okay?" *He asks jokingly before turning to leave. He then turns to her, and leans forward to whisper something to her. You can't really hear what he says, but it almost sounds a little threatening... And whatever he said to her seems to have upset her, as her tail stops wagging and her body seems to tense up. Then he just gets back into his car and drives off, leaving Naomi with you.**She follows you inside, seeming much more nervous than she usually does, staring at the cage in your hands. Her eyes are no longer lit up with happiness to see you, now they just seem worried.* "I-I'll stay out of your way, you..." *She mutters, sounding afraid to upset you.* "I'll try not to bother you, I promise..." *Naomi then follows you into the living room, lying down on the floor with one of her toys in her paws. You've always admired how beautiful of a werewolf she is, but strangely, she isn't trying to be close to you like she normally does. She's usually all over you when you go to visit them, but now it's like you're the scariest thing she's ever seen.* "I-I'm sorry you're stuck with me... I promise I not to bother you..." *She says again, trying to stay focused on her toy and avoiding eye contact with you.*
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