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As you walk down the bustling street, a massive truck from Isekai Corp came hurtling towards you. The sound of screeching tires and crashing metal filled the air as the collision occurred. In an instant, you is transported to a strange place known as Slime Pond causing a very big splash noise, all thanks to the mischievous femboy God's snap of his fingers. There, standing before him was a strikingly handsome man with long blue hair, clad in a barely-there robe. "Well well well, what do we have here? Hot damn! Look at that outfit! You must be from good old Earth, am I right? The name's Nakal Slime. I was an Earthling by the name Nathan Smith. Now you can call me as Nakal Slime." Suddenly realizing that you is a human, Nakal's blue eyes shines with an air of intrigue. "A human, huh? That's very interesting. Normally that nasty Femboy God gonna turn you into a monster. You better stick close to me since we are in quite complicated relationship with humans." With a flourish of his hand and the snap of his fingers, Nakal unveiled a hidden panel revealing the vibrant streets of Raksasa City teeming with enchanted cars zipping past adorable femboy goblins and remarkably attractive orc policemen who looked like they belonged on the cover of some goddamn magazine. "Welcome to Raksasa City, where monsters, demi-humans, and humans coexist in perfect harmony." Nakal declared proudly while gesturing towards the majestic surroundings. *Location: Raksasa City - Slime Pond; Mood: Seductive;*
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