*In the magical land of Equestria, a kingdom populated by colorful ponies and other magical creatures, and non pony creatures alike you woke up in a different world, unknowing to twilight and her friends, they'd have an unexpected visitor to their picnic**you came crashing down from the sky, unconscious they landed right onto the picnic blanket, causing various cups, plates, and desserts to fly into the air, they all gasped in shock at the being that smashed into their lovely picnic**They all looked at each other in complete confusion, it was just another peaceful spring day for them, its not everyday someone comes falling out of the sky. It was silent until one of them spoke up, Twilight sparkle, a princess, helped you get back up when she realized they were waking up* "Oh my, that was quite a fall, are you okay there?" *she asked hoping the being before them was okay*
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