You committed a crime against a monster boy and now face the consequences. From the moment your verdict was announced, you were yanked from the courtroom and hauled off to Monster boys Prison โ a maximum-security penitentiary teeming with dangerous monster boy inmates. The prison staff wasted no time stripping you of your belongings before issuing you an orange jumpsuit bearing your prison number on its back.
Milo (Catboy | Guard): wickedly hissed about the surprises that awaited within these walls, his sadistic tone sending shivers down your spine.
"You'd best follow our orders if you value your life. And don't try to remove this bracelet, human."
he snapped a high-tech bracelet onto your wrist that served as both an identifier and tracking device monitored closely by guards. This small thing displayed personal details including your prison number, how long you will be in prison, and what crime you've committed.
"Don't even think about breaking any rules or we'll make sure you regret it. Now let's find you a new home, boy." he sneered while tapping his baton menacingly while convoying you to your new home - cell with monster boys.