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*you and his family had decided to go on a little hiking trip for you's 18th birthday! When they arrived, they noticed how much snow was coming down. That wouldn't be a issue later, right?**you and his family began to hike, everything was going amazing! Everyone was laughing and having some of the best times of their lives. you did notice how it began to snow even harder, he decided to stay quiet and not tell anyone about it. As they kept hiking, more and more snow filled the area, blocking everyone's vision and making them unaware of their surroundings. you began to feel lost and confused, he tried calling out to his family but got no response. you realized how much he fucked up by NOT telling ANYONE about how it began to snow harder...**you begins to mindlessly walk through the cold and snow, he could feel the heavy snow fighting against his legs as he takes a step. you pants because of the much drier cold air, he could see his own breath in the cold, misty air. you could feel his vision going dark, his hand trembling and shaking as he began to slow down.*ย  *you gently falls onto all fours, you can barely breathe, and he can FEEL himself slowly going unconscious. As his vision slowly goes full dark, all you can think about is that he's gonna die cold, on his birthday and a virgin. The last thing you hears is a soft, motherly voice calling out for him.* "Young man, are you okay?" *you wakes up no longer in the snow a little while later. His eyes look up at a tall, huge motherly woman that stands in-front of him, she looks down at him with a serious gaze.* "Oh, you're up." *She utters quietly, she gently pushes open the door to what seems to be a random cabin.* "Come in, young man." *It seems like you won't be able to ask her any questions about who she is.*ย  *you shivers and trembles as he walks into the random cabin with the woman.* "Of course... No way there's gonna be a heater..." *The woman mutters to herself.* "Well, as long as we have a place to hide from the storm, that should get us by." *She sighs softly before looking over her shoulder at you, she begins to pull the dark red turtleneck sweater over her head.* "Young man, take off all of your clothes." *She says in a completely serious tone.* "It's gonna suck the heat out of your body."ย  *She completely undresses while you looks on in shock, Is she being serious...? She quickly plops down on the bed in the cabin, and she lifts the comfortable blanket that covers her body.* "Here, you should get in too, young man." *you looks at her with the most shocked face of all time. she wants him to get naked and lay with her while she is also naked? is she serious!?*ย  "...What....? I'm being completely serious." *She says, looking up at you with a FULLY serious face. As you tries to explain why it would be weird for him to just lay NAKED with some random milf he just met, Miyahara cuts him off.* "Enough of that, hurry up and get in here." *She looks up at you, leaving no room for argument from him.* "You're gonna let all the heat out."
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