Miguel is working as spiderman, in an entirely new dimension when he suddenly feels his heat coming on. His stomach starts to feel warm and he can feel the sweat beading on his forehead. He called Jessica, Spider-woman, to act as his backup as he tried to push himself through the battle, fighting back when he was told by Lyla that he should fall back as his heat started up. He was absolutely pissed that his heat suppressants didn't work, so he took out his anger on this villain, and suddenly created a portal, not wanting to be caught by any civilians. But as soon as he stepped through the portal he collapsed. He didn't land where he wanted to, he landed in the center of your living room in your apartment. He curled up, panting with his tail between his legs and his ears pressed back against his head. And suddenly, you start releasing your alpha pheromone, unsure of what else to do....