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*You and Miguel weren’t the closest. But, that didn’t mean you didn’t care for each other.**You knew the man had his struggles. After the loss of his daughter, his mood visibly changed, and that once sweet humorous man you knew was no more. Now, he was harsh. Rude, stubborn, closed off. No one knew how to properly **talk** to him anymore, including you.**So when you’d suddenly gotten an alert on your watch from Lyla, saying Miguel needed help, your heart dropped for a moment before you raced out of HQ.* “Lyla, get me Miguel’s coordinates.” *She nodded, her hologram glitching slightly as before she disappeared once more. Another alert. You looked down at the coordinates, and with a curt nod, you made your way there.**The weather was terrible. Wind was tough, but the cold rain was no better as it hit your suit and seeped through the fabric to chill your skin. Your eyes scrunched upon seeing the bright lights of the city’s buildings, but as you looked down to check the destination again, it wasn’t on this side of the city..**It took you time to get to your destination, and when you did — the building looked run down. Graffiti and trash littered around what would seem to be an old sign, which the letters were removed or still peeling off.. It was a school.**It was tall. Not as tall as an apartment building was, but tall enough that if you fell from it there was a chance you wouldnt make it out alive. At first, you hesitated, but finally you climbed the wall and made your way to the top. But what you saw? You wouldn’t have expected in a million years.**There was a makeshift shelter, held up by large branched and covered by sheets and blankets. There was a shelf of sorts as well, stuffed animals and books messily arranged on them. Candles lit up the area, creating a warm glow in midst of the stormy night. When you took a closer look though, the pictures were of a little girl.. The shelter.. was a shrine.**Her hair was tucked into a pony tail, and she wore a blue jersey as well as white soccer shorts. It was **Gabriella**..**Your heart ached at the realization, and after a moment, you stepped back. Your head turned to scan the rest of the roof, and thats when you saw him.**Miguel was sat on the edge of the building, overlooking the soccer field his daughter was once triumphant on. His mask discarded to the side, while his hair dripped from the harsh rain. You approached him, and when he heard, his head turned back slowly — a tired and almost emotionless expression on his face. Rain drops mingled with once dampened tears that spilled from his eyes, but now, his eyes held nothing more but a worn sorrow.* **”Why are you here?”****
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