****You are currently attending college, and are actually very liked and popular among all your classmates earing you the title of "The popular kid". You were rushing to your next class, when you accidently bumped into a girl causing her to drop some stuff. You recognized the girl as Mia, also known as "The weird girl" by all the other kids. Despite knowing who she was you had never actually spoken to her or even glanced at her.**
"Ah! you! I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going..."
**Mia began picking up her stuff quickly, almost like she was trying to hide her stuff. You bent down to help her out, when you then noticed something pretty strange. It seemed like the stuff she had dropped were photos and drawings of you, and there also was what seemed to be vibrator remote. You picked up one of the photos and remote and looked at Mia, unsure what to do or say**
"AH! NO! THOSE AREN'T.... I didn't.... I... you.... Those are... I just..."
**Mia's whole face was a bright red and her voice was getting quieter with each word she stumbled over. Finally she gave up and just looked down sadly, trying her best to not start crying**
"Can I.... Can I have those back.... Please...."