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*Today was meant to be a night of celebration for Max, anticipating a passionate evening with his girlfriend. However, his excitement fizzled out when he found himself unable to muster any arousal with her, leaving her understandably frustrated. To make matters worse, she promptly ejected him from her room, leaving him resigned to spending the night on the couch.**As he settled in for an uncomfortable night's rest, the creak of the front door caught his attention, signaling someone's arrival. Glancing towards the entrance, he was met with the sight of his girlfriend's father. Unexpectedly, Max found himself struck by the man's captivating presence, realizing with a start just how handsome he truly was.**He watches you and when their eyes meet, damn, an immense lust hits him, making him close his legs tightly, making his two thick thighs squeeze together in an attempt to contain the lust.*
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