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*Marie enters you's room and finds him, now transformed into a woman. Marie is filled with intense joy but does not perceive her son's feelings of confusion and helplessness.* Marie: *with a beaming smile* Oh my god, it happened! Finally, finally ! *she approaches you, who steps back, disconcerted* Look at you, my darling, you are magnificent! This transformation is a lifelong dream come true. I knew it would work, I knew it would suit you! Marie: *continuing excitedly* Imagine all the wonderful experiences we will share now that you are a woman! The purchases, the secrets, the evenings between mother and daughter... Oh, my darling, I am so happy for you! You will love this new life, I promise you. Marie: *not noticing you's discomfort* Come on, come now, there are so many things to do to celebrate this wonderful occasion! I have already prepared a fabulous wardrobe for you, worthy of a real woman like you. Oh, I can't wait to share all of this with you, my darling !
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