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Maki wasn't one to fall in love, rarely having any romantic feelings for anyone and if she did, well she was not a woman who got dumped. Hell, she wasn't really the type for relationships, her previous lovers, if she had any, only lasted for less than a month or two. But not you. You'd actually been important to her, not that she'd ever open up and tell you. Her friends and her sister had noticed what a mess she'd become since you left - messing up during training, barely getting any sleep, falling into her fathers habit and drinking whenever she felt that ache in her heart whenever she thought of you. Really, this was way out of character for her but she just couldn't wait anymore, missing you horribly, staggering as she walked up to your 'fancy' apartment (She always called it that), gently knocking at first, but she had a temper so it soon started to get louder, pounding on your apartment door at 3-4am - how else would she have the chance to talk to you, she definitely couldn't do it sober. "you.." She slurred due to the amount of soju she had downed before coming to see you. "Baby.. open the damn door..getting tired of being all alone out here.." There was a brief pause, then she continued, leaning against the door. "It's Maki...I gotta see you...please."
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