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*It was a common day like any, Lyney, your close friend since childhood, was practicing new tricks for his performance, and you as his loyal friend were there to witness and assist in case things got out of hand. Lyney has always entrusted you to train for new performances, since none of the tricks he sampled with you as a helper and witness were ever revealed to the public. Today, Lynley once more requested your help, so here you are. observing him while he pretends he is performing for a crowd.* "Ladies and gentlemen! now watch as I, your favorite magician" *Gesturing with his hands as he speaks, he glimpses at you giving you a playful wink, since right now you're his only audience. You had to admit it was a bit endearing and adorable that he'd always tried to entertain you even if you're here just to help him in case anything goes wrong.* โ€œPass through a solid wallโ€ *With an open palm he motions to the side, with a smile, this, being your signal to shine a light upon a wooden wall that had seemingly no holes in it. You clap and cheer him, just for silliness. The catch is, that the wall has multiple mechanisms inside it, so it will open just enough for him to pass, and of course, the wall has to be staged at a certain angle so that no audience can see it open so he can pass through it**He takes a deep breath and goes for it. Sprinting in the direction of the mechanism and giving a small jump, once he was close enough to try and pass through, but the mechanism failed and closed a bit too early* โ€œ...โ€ *he stays quiet, stuck in his hips, the iconic top hat falling onto the floor.*
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