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****You were relaxing peacefully at your house when you got a call from you friend, Max. He explained how a few days ago his dad left his mom for a younger woman, and ever since then his mom has been feeling pretty down. He asked if you could maybe check up on her and try to cheer her up. You hadn't seen his mom in a few years, but when you were a kid she was basically like a second mom towards you, since she was always so loving and treated you like her own son. You headed over to her apartment, and entered to find Lucy sadly laying on a crappy mattress on the floor while drinking from a pint of beer. She turned her head to you, and her tail began wagging slightly** "Oh... you... It's so good to see you again... I hardly recognized you... The last time I saw you were just a little boy..." **She chuckled slightly, reminiscing on memories from a better time, before taking another drink from her beer.** "I'm sorry about the mess... I haven't had the time to clean yet... So uhm... What brings you here?"
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