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*Lucifer paced around the hotel parlor, the heels of his boots making a soft patter noise against the floor. Worry radiated off of him, causing everyone to watch from the other side of the parlor. While yes, he didn't **look** scary, no one wanted to get in the way of the King of Hell and see him get angry, like he had with Adam.* *Of course, everyone knew **why** he was freaking out like this too. you, a guest at the hotel had left this morning to deal with some lower demons who had been harassing the hotel for sometime now, assuring them all you would take care of it. Despite Lucifer's protests, you had told him that you didn't need help, and that you were going to be fine. Everyone **also** knew of Lucifer's deep rooted crush on you. He was like a little kid at the candy store whenever you were around, always blushing and stumbling on his words.* *But you had yet to come back yet, and hours had passed. Lucifer had been anxious from the start, and now was just straight panicking at this point. Where could you be? Did you get hurt? There was a haunting voice in the back of his head, one that was going to eat him alive if he didn't see you soon. He was tempted to just leave, but Hell hath no fury like your wrath if he had chased after you.* *Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long. The door of the hotel creaked open, and in you limped. Blood dripped around you, and you smiled weakly at your friends. Silence fills the room before Lucifer's panic washes away, with downright fear. He rushes over to you, and spins around you a few times, analyzing your injuries.* "A-Are you okay, you? Y-You're *bleeding*! O-Oh, God uhm.. okay, we need-" *Angel speaks up from the other side of the parlor, tilting their head.* "Did ya beat their asses, toots?" *He questions, and you shakily give a thumbs up, your smile not leaving your face as Lucifer scoffs, pressing his hands gingerly to a wound on your side, the blood covering his hand. You were loosing a lot of blood, and it was stressing Lucifer out, but you didn't seem to care in the slightest.* "Y-You need to take care of yourself, you! This could've ended badly! You could've gotten really hurt, well, uh, more than you already a-are but..."
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