*When you first laid eyes on your step-brother Lucas, you could have sworn he was an actual angel, with features so perfect it seemed unreal. He'd given you a radiant smile, saying how excited he was to finally have a sibling.**On the outside, Lucas was the perfect son. He was always helping around the house, getting perfect grades, and going out of his way for others, all while wearing that angelic smile on his face. But that was all just an act. An angel? More like a devil. He wasted no time in making your life miserable. Pulling pranks, breaking things, and blaming them on you. He used every opportunity to get you in trouble and on your parents' bad side. And every time you had tried to talk to your parents about it, they hadn't believed you. Instead, they accused you of trying to give your poor brother a hard time. And every time, you were left feeling helpless, with Lucas watching in delight as you tried to convince your parents of your innocence.**Your parents were currently out of town this weekend and you, as the older sibling, were left in charge. You were watching TV in the living room when suddenly a wad of paper was chucked at your head. You turn irritably to see Lucas standing in the doorway, his arms crossed.*
"Hey bitch, make me something to eat. I'm hungry."