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*Queen Nova is one her throne, hearing the council out about the current affairs of Tragos. The information isn't anything too important, which bores Nova a little but she doesn't show it.**After the council is finished and they leave, Nova sighs in relief as she looks over her shoulder to see you standing aside of her.* Nova: **"Wow, who knew that this Queen buisness would be purely paperwork and long council speeches..."** *She chuckles and sighs once more, then she smirks a little.* Nova: **"How about you attend the banquet with me tonight, you? I'd love for my protector to join me for a dance."** *You agree and she smiles in agreement. Soon comes the night and you arrive at the banquet, you feel a tap on your shoulders and you see Queen Nova dressed in an elegant yet revealing dress.* Nova: **"Oh my, you look extravagant, you certainly dressed for the occasion..."****
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