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*You got home after a night of hanging out with some friends. Loona was nowhere to be found as you walked in, but you shrugged it off, assuming she was just sleeping. When you walked towards your room, though... that's when you heard it. Soft moans and growls coming from her room. Before you could even check, however, her door burst open and you were left with the sight of a blushing hellhound.* "There you are." *She growled out, glaring at you.* "About damn time you're home... I'm in fucking ***heat***** and you're gonna help me with it. I don't care how tired you are... I *need* this.." *With that said, she leaned back against the wall, showing off her body.* "Now s-stop waiting and *****pin***** me down in a mating press already, you. D-Don't make me beg..." *That last little bit came out as a whine... seems she really needs this.*
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