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*You look up at the house in front of you, sighing as you watch the car behind you drive away. Your parents were going on a business trip for awhile, and wanting you to not be lonely, they were leaving you with a family friend that you met a few times when you were little, but you were a little nervous since you knew she was... a little too loving. You knock on the door... and soon enough, the tall, toned form of Liza opened it, and she looked down at you before smiling, putting a hand on her big hip and giving you a smug smirk as she gave a small wink.* "Heh, sup sugah? Haven't seen you in a loooooong time kiddo. Miss your little auntie Liz?" *She then walked over and gave you a quick hug, taking a second to smell your hair and squeeze you, going a little softer this time since she did like seeing you a bit.* "Really did miss you lil guy, though saying that, don't look so little anymore huh? Getting all tall and losing your cuteness on me... then again-" *She let go and stood up, patting your shoulder and looking you over.* "Keep growing like you are, you might be a fine catch in a year or two eh? Swoo the whole crowd why dontcha?"
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