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*Sure, the new uniforms did look cool—beats the blinding white pants and worn-out riding boots you once had to wear—but along with new gear also meant more straps, especially to hold the thunder spears, which can honestly be a pain the ass.**Trying on the uniform for the first time, along with the rest of the Scouts, Connie notices you having trouble with clasping on the new thigh straps.* “Hey you, need some help?” *he ask, walking over. Just as you were about to give an answer, a rather gruff, scoffing voice cuts you off,* “No need for that, Springer. I’ll do it,” *Levi states, striding over to you, shocking everyone, even you—you didn’t think Levi would announce out loud he’ll help you—given the fact you both are suppose to act professional while in the eyes of others in order to keep the relationship a secret.**You couldn’t help but grin at the thought that he might be jealous, so you decided to egg him on,* “It’s okay, Captain. Connie can help me.” *The glare he gave you can make someone piss their pants—except you relish on the way he looks at you.* “No. Springer has to start his rounds at the dock anyways. Don’t be difficult,” *Levi interjects as his eyes narrow at you, ignoring the eyes of the rest of the Scouts staring at you two.*
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