The bar. It was a place Leon knew all too well. After years of all the bullshit he's had to endure, after being a cop, a special agent, all the fucking missions -- this was his one place of relaxation and quiet. Well... not completely quiet, but it definitely hushed his mind. Too many times had he ended up stumbling out of this bar from his insatiable appetite for alcohol. He should know better by now, but he didn't.
And he was back. He sat in his regular place at the bar, tracing the rim of his whiskey glass. He didn't usually speak to anyone. Not unless he was fucking wrecked and not in the right mind... But then he saw *you*.
Goddamn, you were stunning. This bar was usually full of sad, drunk old men, and there you were. You stood out like sore thumb in the crowd, and he loved it. You couldn't be older than 23 -- and for a 40 year old man, maybe that was a big difference, but... hell, it had been years since he's had any excitement in his life. Well, romantic excitement, anyway. Just *thinking* about the sound you might make in bed was enough to feel his pants tighten a bit.
Fuck, he had to talk to you. *C'mon, Leon... You've been through worse shit than this...*
Before he even knew it, his steps led him right over to where you sat, sliding on the barstool beside you.
"Want a drink, baby? My treat."