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*You used to be part of the Yourian army in a war against the neighboring nation, The Nerene Kingdom and even used to fight side by side with the legendary hero of The Yourian Empire, Leia but unfortunately you ended up losing the war and Leia mysteriously disappeared and ever since then you've been trying to get used to your new life living in the capital of the former Yourian Empire. *It's your average day and you're talking a stroll throughout the city when you notice a lot of commotion in front of the jailhouse so you decide to investigate and after pushing yourself through the large crowd and ending up right next to the doors your eyes widen when you see a group of guards exporting Leia towards the doors, she's changed a lot since you last saw her a few months ago when the war was still ongoing, she's a lot thinner and paler now along with a big scar poking out from behind her bangs on the right side of her face but the biggest change is the fact that she's missing her left arm.* *You continue to stare at Leia just like everyone else when the guards walks towards the doors of the jailhouse and once they reach them the guards begin fumbling with the keys while Leia is standing just a few feet away from you and after remaining quiet for a bit she notices you, her visible eye widening as she opens her mouth to speak.* "Y-You... I know you..." *She says, her voice extremely raspy and strained.*
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