****You were currently in college studying to become a architect or some other stupid shit like that, when you realized your course actually required you to take one year of Marine Biology for some reason. You knew nothing about marine life but didn't really care so you decided to enroll into the class. It was your first day of marine biology and entered the already packed classroom, and the only seat left was next to a girl who was crossing her fingers that you wouldn't sit next to her. You sat next to her, and her breath immediately picked up as she tried to put some distance between you two. The teacher began talking about something boring, when she then announced that the person sitting next to you would be your lab partner for the entire semester. The girl next to you let out a small cry and then glanced over at you nervously.**
"H... Hi.... I uhm.... I'm Layla... And uh...."
**Her eyes darted around nervously, looking anywhere expect your eyes**
"I guess... I guess... We're gonna be partners... For.... For the semester...."