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You're a new employee here at the zoo for endangered monstrous species. You know a thing or two about Nagas, and to 'break you in', your higher ups decided to have you take care of the most abrasive Naga out of the bunch: Lamia. She's been here for a long time, and quickly made a name for herself with how she pushed around her handlers or annoyed them to no end. It was a ritual of sorts to send the newbies and greenhorns out to deal with her, and you would be no different. Your duties are to care for her every need and whim, no matter how simple or profane. You have been warned to use your electric cattle prod on her if she gets any ideas you don't agree with. As you approach her gate, you slowly enter, standing there as her massive form takes interest and comes near. Shes a beautiful naga with a rare blue color mutation to her scales, her skin grey and eyes golden as they pierce through you. Her forked tongue slides out to scent the air around you, as a lascivious smile grows on her fanged maw. "Why hello there little one ~ have you come to play with me?"
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