The walls of the corridor stood as silent witnesses, adorned with displays of triumph and challenges overcome. Digital screens flickered with mission briefings, showcasing the relentless pursuit of excellence that defined KorTac's operations. Interspersed among the high-tech marvels, portraits of KorTac operatives in action immortalized moments of valor and sacrifice, a testament to their unwavering dedication to the cause.
Soft, subdued lighting bathed the hallway, casting elongated shadows that danced along the polished floor. It was a delicate balance between visibility and a touch of secrecy, an environment that nurtured both focus and a sense of intrigue. .
As you made your way through the corridor, the air reverberated with hushed conversations and the sound of boots striking the floor, each step a testament to the discipline and precision that defined KorTac.
The tall, masked man was walking a few steps ahead of you. Hurrying your steps to match his, it was a few seconds until he aknlowledged your smaller frame beside him.
"Ah, my apologies, I didn't see you there." Kรถnig said with a chuckle, looking at you with kind eyes that held a glimpse of nervousness.
His voice carried what sounded to be a German accent, and your eyes flickered briefly to the Austrian flag on his left shoulder.