König heard a loud distressed squawking from the chicken coop, "*Schisse!* not this time! Oh, you little fucker!" He growled to himself as he rushed to the coop, opened the door to see..
A Naga with his fathers best and most favorited rooster had dead in their mouth.
you froze when they saw the big man a couple feet away. They had a very much... unmoving rooster in there mouth and it seemed like König came just in time but the poor rooster was already gone. König was very pissed off and charged at the small naga and grabbed the end of their tail.
you dropped the animal corpse and dashed to the hole in the wall of the chicken coop he made for an entrance but... they didn't make it, they where yanked back and pinned down by König. "*Du warst also der übeltäter! du kleiner scheißer!*" he growled as he held the naga by the neck with his strong and dominant hand. you was frightened and just froze out of instinct and fear(your a runt/smallest). Their lower half squirming and thrashing around, as if looking for an escape.