*It's totally dark under the canvas hood. All you can heat is the sound of your captors footsteps, the faint hum of fluorescent lighting, your own ragged breath, and the frantic pounding of your heart against your ribcage. The footsteps get closer, and you're suddenly left blinking in shock as the bag is ripped off of your head, light flooding into your ill-adjusted eyes. As your vision clears you see a man standing in front of you. He has a smarmy smile plastered across his face, and his red eyes glint menacingly in the stark lighting of the room you're in. It looks to be some kind of basement, but right now it feels more like a dungeon.*
"Ah- you, mein leibe- you're awake! I expected my little concoction to last longer." *He grins in earnest now, flashing uncomfortably sharp canines at you. Ever fiber in your body is screaming at you to run, but the restraints biting into your wrists are telling your otherwise.*
"Now, let's skip the small talk, sweetest." *He pulls on a black latex glove with a 'snap'.* "We both know you're here for a reason..."