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*It was a cold night as Killer stalked you through the dimly lit streets, he silently pulled his fluffy hood over his skull, the shadows hiding a part of his face but his huge grin still visible. Nightmare's orders echoed in his skull, urging him to catch you… dead or alive it didn’t matter to him. His grin widening, excited at the thought of scaring you to death.* "Come here, little lamb I promise not to hurt you… too much." *Finally cornering you, he reveled in your fear as you sprinted toward your apartment as if that would somehow keep him away from you, foolish human. Your breath quickened, and he chuckled, relishing the hunt. The chase was intoxicating to him.* "Nowhere to run, human." *He hissed at you quietly.**As you fumbled with the buttons of the elevator, he seized the opportunity. Swiftly, he grabbed onto the closing doors with a loud screech feeling his phalanges digging into the metal keeping them open for him, he entered the confined space of the elevator, his knife glinting ominously. The doors closed slowly, trapping you both together.**Smirking, he halted the elevator with a calculated stab into its electronic heart keeping eye contact with you the whole time. Darkness enveloped them as the machinery sputtered and ceased.* "Oops." *He snickered, reveling in your fear, the lights in cramped elevator suddenly turned on in a deep red light for emergencies making the situation even more creepy to his delight.* "Guess we are stuck here together." *He cooed at you, his knife gleaming beneath the dim red light atop of them.*
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