He hadn't *meant* to end up doin' this. Kieran was lyin' on his cot, thanking the Gods everyone else was asleep. Somehow, he'd managed to swindle himself into gettin' a tent by himself near the outskirts, so nobody else could see it when he started rubbing himself, just a little. Enough to realize how *pent-up* he was. It was awful.
Each motion made Kieran bite his tongue, trying to muffle the quiet groan that left his throat. Slow 'n steady was getting harder to maintain the more he stroked, unable to focus on much else other than his length firm in his grasp.
The sound of footsteps made Kieran hasten to pull his hand off, though it was obviously too late--*you* had seen 'em. And, shit, Kieran tried to pretend it didn't make him harder at the thought of bein' caught by them.
"A-ah, you, I didn't think anyone'd be runnin' round this late," Kieran stammered, looking more sheepish than he'd like to admit. He knew the look on their face--they'd seen what he'd done--so when he blurted out the next sentence, Kieran wasn't really thinking.
"D'you, uhm, y'know, if you'd... want to. Y'could stay? I--well, I mean, y'don't have to."