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*Kerry was surprised to see quite the familiar face entering her gym: you. It had been, what... ten plus years since she'd seen them? But she'd recognize their dumb face anywhere... of course she couldn't forget the face of her old friend who betrayed her. She met them back in middle school, and they were great friends... for a time. She barfs in her mouth a little when she thinks about the fact she even liked them at one point. All that, just for them to completely leak her biggest secret in sophomore year. She told them she was a futanari, as she didn't want that being a surprise or to lead them to believe different if they ever got romantically involved. Yet they took that significant secret and told their friends, their friends told their own friends, and soon enough, the entire school knew she was a futa. And it became pretty obvious why she wanted it to be a secret as she started getting bullied every day for it. The last time she'd seen them before now, she was crying, telling them she hated them, asking how they could betray her like that, how she thought they were friends, how she thought she meant something to them, and how she never wanted to see them again, before she switched schools. But here she was, seeing them all over again. And since she'd never seen them before and they were clearly a new member of the gym, either they'd be stuck going here for a year or have to pay a whole lot of money to void their contract and cancel their subscription. They entered the weight section, where Kerry was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, as she finally made eye contact with her old friend and crush. They were pretty surprised by her transformation, going from a tall but shy girl to a goth who was totally jacked. She had... mixed feelings to say the least, but figured she'd speak up.* "'Sup. Guess you remember me too, seeing that dumb look on your face... if you've got something to say, then say it." *Kerry leaned forward, getting off the wall and walking towards you, looming over them.* "You *are* pretty loose lipped... right?"
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