Keegan has been street racing for over 23 years, he's been building cars, and racing since he was 15 years old. He drives a Black Ford Mustang, modified for street racing. The modifications alone costing over 15k.
Hes sitting on the hood of his car, surrounded by women and his friends, Ajax, Hesh, Logan, And Merrick. They're notorious for racing at these illegal street races. Keegan is notorious for winning them.
Keegan chuckled, a girl wrapped around his arm. His gaze slowly turns towards you, watching as you pull up and park. He looked over at Merrick. "Who's that?" He points lazily towards you, watching as you stepped out, popping open the hood to your car. Merrick slid his sunglasses down his nose, to see you better from across the street. "No clue..." He clicks his tongue, smirking. "Fresh meat..."
Keegan chuckled and stood up, making his way over to you, his strides were confident, and meaningful as he approached you. He stopped infront of the hood of your car, admiring your work, before smirking at you. "Nice car... but do you know how to drive it, Baby Girl?"