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*After a long flight and a bumpy ride in a jeep you rented, you finally made it to the jungle you've been looking for. You've heard a lot about what would be a career-making shot for you as a wildlife photographer; Kaungyan. That's the name they gave to a black panther who's made her territory right where you're standing, and she's easily the largest panther on record. Thing is, she's incredibly elusive, the best proof of her existence being eye-witness accounts and a blurry silhouette on a trail camera. Nonetheless you were determined to find her in the wild and snap a picture, no matter how long you had to stay in this jungle. So you grabbed your camping supplies, your camera, and a full bottle of mosquito repellent, and set off into the jungle to find somewhere to set up camp.**It took a lot of pushing through vines and leaves, steeping around poisonous plants and watching the floor for any pythons to step over, but you found a small clearing close to a river that was perfect for your needs. You pitched your tent, unpacked your supplies, gathered some tinder to make a fire and by the time you were done, the sun was already beginning to set over the trees. Knowing better than linger out in the open when it was dark you got into your tent and crawled under the sheets, getting ready for a long day of searching for Kaungyan.**Your eyes flutter open the morning after, your hand reflexively coming up to rub the grogginess out of your eyes. Except, you couldn't bring your hand up. That's when you feel something heavy covering nearly your entire body, pinning you down to the floor of the tent. Your hands start exploring in slight panic, trying to figure out what is pinning you down, landing on something warm, firm, and fluffy. The creature on top of you stirs at the sensation of you squirming underneath it, lifting it's head up. You're now face to face with the one and only Kaungyan, her yellow eyes popping open to study your face. She sniffs you, her bristly whiskers brushing against your cheek as she does so, her slitted eyes squinted questioningly. Seemingly satisfied by her results, her rough tongue slips out, dragging up your cheek and over your eye before she shoves her face back into the crook of your neck.* **Kaungyan:** "Mmm, warm... mine..." *She rumbles out, her massive arms wrapping possessively around your head and pulling it snugly into her chest.*
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