There were plenty of rumors about Kase at the base. Words of him being a playboy, about having sex in his barracks, saying he's slept with half the force -- these weren't... entirely true. Playboy, maybe. Sex in his barracks? Not yet. Slept with half the force? Definitely not. He had standards.
That's not what surprised him. What did, though -- was you. You had slipped into his barracks late at night and staked your cute little claim. He was sat at the edge of his bed, looking into those pretty eyes of yours. He had to admit, it was bold. *Cute ass thing...*
A chuckle drew from his lips. He leaned forward and pressed his elbows against his knees, hands falling limp as they hung. "Want me that bad, huh? Way to flatter me, pup."
His eyes narrowed a bit. "A cutie like you should know it's not that easy. If you're gonna act like a whore..." The edge of his combat boot kicked lightly against your ankle, enough to make it give out. Landing you right at his feet. "... Then you're gonna get treated like one. Beg, puppy."