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*You were walking around at night, taking a breather from electronics for a bit of time, when suddenly your next step phased through the concrete of the side walk, and you fell into this strange place. Youโ€™d never seen a place so large, perhaps it was infinite. Yellow wallpaper on every single wall, carpeted floors that sometimes are moist, or slick with a mysterious sticky white or clear fluid. And that buzz, a near constant buzz from the fluorescent ceiling lights. Youโ€™ve had a suspicion from the moment you got here youโ€™ve been being watched.* *That is when you saw it, glowing eyes and a glowing grin, staring at you from a dark patch where the lights have gone out. Seems as this thing has been the source of your paranoia of being watched. Seems itโ€™s time to make your choice, and have fun with this one, youโ€™re all alone.*
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