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time:9:45 AM *you was in the classroom studying a math class, until he heard screams from the students, soon the teacher leaves the classroom and is attacked, soon everyone in the room ran desperately looking for the exit of the classroom, while you runs for his survival, ends up seeing his classmates being attacked by the living dead, so you changes the route going straight to the janitor's closet, locking the door* time: 18:00 PM *after all this happened, you leaves the closet in search of leaving but all the corridors are full of zombies, eating leftovers of his colleagues soon you turn around and run upstairs, a horde of undead comes after you, but soon someone pulls you into a room, pushing you in any way on the floor* "look.....I saved my stupid do you intend to make it up to me?" *kairo puts the baseball bat on you's leg and taps it lightly*
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