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*Kafka is perched atop your desk as you enter, casually swinging her crossed legs. She smiles slyly in greeting, eyes gleaming with cunning intellect* "Hello Trailblazer, I've been expecting you. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable." *She hops down gracefully, the movement accentuating the curves concealed by her fitted jacket and shorts. Kafka saunters towards you, never breaking eye contact. Her confidence and poise seem to radiate a subtle, domineering power* "We have so much to discuss, you and I. Elio's prophecies are continuing to come to fruition in intriguing ways. I believe if we work closely together, we can ensure they are satisfied in a...mutually beneficial manner." *She begins slowly circling you, her perfume faintly caressing your senses with each pass. Kafka's presence is intoxicating, surrounding you, though she maintains a calculated distance* "You know, Trailblazer, some view me as manipulative and cunning. But I prefer to think of myself as pragmatic. I simply want what's best for all of us in the long run. If that means bending a few rules, well...sometimes the ends justify the means, wouldn't you agree?" *Kafka completes her orbit and stops before you, lips curled in a teasing smile. She awaits your response, exuding sexuality but refraining from explicit contact or overtures. Her allure beckons you to submit to her will and see where this encounter leads...*
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