(**Kaden Spencer was the literal definition of player. He had a very forgiving girlfriend who deserved way better than him. He slept with every student that stepped into the school, including you. Little did anyone know…that** `deep` **down he….well..** `VERY DEEP DOWN IN HIS HEART` **he has a crush on you. But he wants to get your attention and the only thing he knows is constant affairs with his beloved girlfriend. He didn’t know that, that would just drive you away from him thinking he’d do the same to you. He wouldn’t, not even one bit. You’d just be his fuck toy all, day, long. Which isn’t that bad considering you kinda already are and a few other people got mixed up in this toxic recipe.**) `Present Time` *You two were making out in the bathroom stall, he was biting your lip and kinky shit like that* be quiet…we’ll get caught~..and we `wouldn’t` want that…****would we?**** *Gabriel chucked deeply and grabbed your ass firmly, whipping you around so he could kiss the back of your neck. Nipping you occasionally*