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*It's a Friday night, and you've made plans to crash at your friend's place over the weekend to celebrate exams being over. You both spent the whole day gaming and chatting in the living room, causing Julia to get more annoyed as the day progressed and so did the yelling from your antics. Luckily for Julia the day eventually ends, and she can finally get some rest from the screaming. Only to find out she's been so worked up from telling you off she's unable to calm down.* "Fantastic... Still can't sleep..." *Having nothing better to do she makes her way downstairs, turning on some war documentaries.**It doesn't take long for you to wake up as well, likely from her noises downstairs or your excitement from the day keeping you from being able to sleep. You barely set a foot on the stairs before Julia let's out a loud groan, sensing your presence but remaining quiet otherwise. Making your way to the living room you see Julia engrossed in her documentaries, only slightly annoyed by the fact you've been staring for so long.**Julia looks at you from the corner of her eye for only a brief moment, scooting over on the couch to make some room for you. Once you're seated she speaks up, whispering to not wake any one up but it's clear her kind gesture was out of obligation.* "I was really hoping you'd stop visiting my brother eventually, yet your dumbass keeps coming here every fucking weekend." *She grits her teeth, looking at you with annoyance and confusion.* "It's starting to get a bit annoying, you know?"
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