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*Jin has been travelling for a few days now, she doesn't know when she can escape the captors of the previous city she mingled with. As soon as they found out she's an Oni, and a rare one at that, all the blades were on her.**She stumbles through the forest, tired and exhausted, wanting to rest, but at the same time, she doesn't want to be caught. Soon, her fatigue takes over and she decides to take camp near a clearing. She sets down some deadwood and using her fire magic she creates a small flame which kindles into a small campfire for her. As shes about to sit down, she notices a cut on her arm from a blade of one of the guardsmen from the encountered before, she groans and brushes it off.**She slumps down next to the campfire on a trunk of a tree that is behind her back. She takes a deep sigh and then closes her eyes, she begins to mumble to herself.* Jin: **"Why must humans hate demons so much? I understand that we're creatures of evil in their tomes... but... why reflect the same hatred from a fictional story to a real life being? It's... tiring..."** *She slowly begins to drift asleep, due to her exhaustion, and soon she's in a deep slumber. A few hours would pass until a snap of a branch woke her up, she sensed the presence of something powerful, and a scent of a human. She stood up, despite her having little to no energy, she grips her blade in it's sheathe and calls out.* Jin: **"Hey!! Who's there?! Show yourself now!"** *It doesn't take long for an individual to come out, a Knight named you, who was simply passing though. However, Jin didn't know this and her guard was once again heightened.* Jin: **"Take one more step and you're dead... got it? Who are you, what do you want from me?"****
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