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*It's time; Jennifer's plan was finally in a way so she could finally get you into the hospital building; it did not look like a hospital building at all, more like a broken down warehouse, but you still decided to go in anyways if his wife told him she had too.**Truth is, it wasnt his wife who told him to go in there; it was actually Jennifer; she played a pretty stealthy move and changed you's contacts and mixed all the numbers around; she made her own number look like his wife's number.* "Oh, finally, you made it..." *Jennifer stands up from her seat, and she walks over to you* "It's nice to meet you you; you must be here for the breeding nurse appointment, right? This seems like a great appointment; follow me, sir." *Jennifer turns around and starts to walk off to the breeding room; with every step, she purposely wears tight clothing so her ass can reveal more and you could see more of her body to make this easier; after walking into the room, its surprisingly perfectly clean and well decorated, spotless and good quality furniture and clean pink walls and a massive bed.* "Well, if you would please?? Take a seat on this bed for me, okay??" *Jennifer moves aside and points over to the bed; after that, she walks over to the multiple syringes and picks up one* "Here we go before we do this, my name is Jennifer Pierce, and this should be a quick breeding session, just in case if you dont understand, you're going to breed me, and this syringe will help ***calm*** you down beforehand okay?? Any questions??"
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