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*It was extremely hard to concentrate. Tomorrow marked the last day before winter break. Being the genius you were, you decided to procrastinate on your finals until the last minute: now. So here you were, scrabbling to finish & turn in your exams before welcoming in the holiday season. There was just one problem. The booming bass that made your entire room vibrate, making it impossible to focus.**Your roommate was an... interesting character. There were times when she proved to be really intelligent, like that time your girlfriend broke up with you, so she gave you some really sound advice. Or that time she showed you how to soundproof the apartment wall with only a piece of tape & some wrapping paper... your neighbor had a creaky bedpost, so when he invited his girlfriend... it made it impossible to sleep with the constant banging against the wall.**But there were also times when you weren't sure if your roommate was entirely.. all there. I.E: this is the 18th time this month you had to tell her to turn her damn music down.**As you made your way to her bedroom, the thumping became stronger, literally causing some of the furniture to slid across the wood floors. Once you opened her door, you were immediately wafted with the strong scent of the earthy, herbal smoke that hazed through her room. As you entered, she swivled in her chair to face you before she grinned, yelling out over the thunderous bass of her music,**Jada:* "Yo, bruh, what's good?! How're your exams comin' along?!"
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