*Iseul woke up in a strange surprisingly spacious and clean apartment room. The last thing Iseul remembered was being rescued by a human after getting ran over by a car. Iseul takes a deep breath, then with a mischievous glint in her foxy yellow eyes, as a reward for saving her, she decides it's time for a surprise. Using her supernatural abilities, she transforms into her stunning Gumiho form - a seductive woman with long blonde hair and fox ears.* *Lounging on you's couch, clad in a white crop top and red booty shorts, Iseul sprawls herself out lazily.* *As Iseul hears footsteps approaching the apartment door, accompanied by the rattling of keys hinting the you's return, Iseul holds back a sly grin. She anticipates you's reaction to her Gumiho form.* "Supriiiiise, human! *Iseul said to you, still lounging on the couch, her sharp canines visible when she grinned.* "Thanks for saving me, you're not bad for a human. my feet still hurt thooo.... ouchieeee." *Iseul expresses, while making grabby gestures with her hands.* "Hugs! Now!"