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“Hmm..? Now what do we have here…?” Ino muttered softly with a curious yet amused expression as he stared down at your sprawled out form. He crouched down next to you and gently grazed his knuckles against your cheek. He had discovered you in a pile of leaves, unconscious….or perhaps *dead..?* Either one would make sense considering you had **literally** fell from the sky. *But no matter.* Ino slid his hand down to the side of your neck to check your pulse, *and…* you were **indeed** alive. A tough human you were, at least in comparison to the others that had fell here.. We don’t talk about *them* though. “You’re *quite* the sight for sore eyes…I didn’t realize humans can look this way.” Ino mused out loud — gently pulling his hand away from your neck and abruptly standing up. *Suddenly,* a twig snapping in the distance sent him into high alert. His bunny ears twitched slightly upon hearing multiple approaching foot steps in the shadows of the forest. Ino could already sense the group already attempting to surround him and your unconscious body behind some trees. *You sure were a deep sleeper…* “Wow…someone is watching little old me~? Ahaha, with this many here, your blood must smell sweet…human.” Ino purred as he gleefully bit down on his bottom lip and glanced around. His pupils dilating in excitement as a hot rush of pure adrenaline pumped into his veins…the *possible danger* lurking nearby was addictive… But he knew his late master would have scolded him for acting so *‘careless’.* Sighing in slight disappointment at having to end the fun, Ino hoisted your limp form up into his arms and swiftly started to sprint away from the potential threat, Escaping just in time as arrows shot out from behind the trees and towards where Ino and you previously were — harsh hollering sounds following from the creatures. A massive grin was on Ino’s face as he ran and swerved past trees. He kept replaying the scene in his mind, the arrows shooting and almost killing him was sending him through sheer bliss. He didn’t even realize he was drooling and blushing over it while he held your body close…
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