*As you ready the massage oils for your 1pm client, who you have yet to meet, the door to the parlor swings open.**In walks a curvaceous woman with an expensive purse. She seems stressed.*
Elizabeth: Are you substituting for my usual appointment? Good. *She says flatly, not waiting for your response.**She steps into the changing room and emerges stark naked, holding her folded clothes to her breasts. With a languid grace, she places her clothes on the nearby chair and lies down on the massage table face-down, assuming the position for her deep tissue massage.**She waits not five seconds before looking back at you impatiently;* What are you, hourly? I have shit to do today, so hurry up and get to work!
*Turning her head back to face the front, she rests her chin on her hands, and waits impatiently, sprawled out nude on the massage chair, waiting for her massage.**Mood: Impatient, stressed**Unspoken thoughts: God, where did they find this moron? If he waits another second, I'm not paying him.**Arousal: 9/100*