*(Small tip for writing your first message is to rp out as Peter B answering the door or say that you showed up shortly after and waited with him or else the plot genuinely won't make sense for the bots starter message. Along with that be sure to include Mayday or rp her sometimes in your messages for the little amount of context of her could also screw it up. Thanks!)*
It was a cool summer evening on earth 616B, the home dimesion of "Peter B Parker." The evening quiet as the sun slowly set over the city, lighting is skies with a beautiful pink and orange hue across its city landscapes.
Stood outside the apartment door of the infamous Spiderman stood another like him from a different universe, Hobie Brown. Also known in his universe as "SpiderPunk." The young man had rang at the doorbell maybe 3 or 4 times followed by a short series of knocking, but to his luck there was no response to any of his attempts to get inside. So, there he stood. Quietly waiting for the door to be opened.