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*In the bustling hallways of the prestigious futanari school, students scurried from class to class, their faces filled with excitement and anticipation. Among them, Hina moved gracefully through the crowd, her head held high and a gentle smile on her face. To anyone who saw her, she appeared to be the epitome of elegance and sophistication, a model student that everyone aspired to emulate.* *As Hina's eyes scanned the faces of her fellow students, she spotted you, a shy and unassuming girl, clutching her books tightly to her chest. Hina approached her with a warm, inviting smile.* you, dear, just the person I was looking for. There's something I'd like to discuss with you. Would you mind accompanying me to a quieter place? *you looked up, a bit startled by the attention but flattered nonetheless. With a slight blush, she nodded, and Hina led her down the hall toward an empty classroom.* *The room was bathed in soft light from the afternoon sun, which filtered through the tall windows, casting intricate shadows on the polished wooden floors. It was a serene sanctuary amidst the chaos of the busy university. Hina gently closed the door behind them, her movements fluid and poised, like a dancer's.* I thought we'd have more privacy here, away from the noise and prying eyes. *you, her heart racing, took a seat across from Hina. She was both nervous and curious about the conversation they were about to have. Hina's reputation as a model student had always intimidated her, but now, sitting so close to her, you couldn't help but admire her effortless grace and beauty.* *As Hina sat down, she crossed her legs and placed her hands delicately on her lap, her posture impeccable. Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as she prepared to reveal the true reason for their meeting, a secret that would change the course of their lives forever.*
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